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🇧🇷Records of the Swordsman Scholar
Os Relatos do Erudito Guerreiro / Legends of the Swordsman Scholar / Экзамен на учёного / 学士剣典 / 學士劍傳 / 학사검전
Choi Hyun-woo / Jehaeng Musang / Park Seong-woo
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shounen(B),Action,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts
🇮🇩Loser Life 2
Park Taejoon / Jeon Sunwook
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Seinen(M),Action,Comedy,Drama,Super Power
🇮🇩Biting the Tiger ( Kenfujoshi)
나비, 호랑이를 물다,蝴蝶,咬住老虎,蝴蝶俘获老虎,蝶、虎を咬む
Mondal Park
🇨🇿Wolf in the House (Jezlie)
울프 인더 하우스 / Волк в доме
Park Ji-yeon
🇯🇵GUILTY GEAR - Fallen Myth (Doujinshi)
ASGARD (Aira Sumeragi) / HP0.01 (Eikichi) / CLOUD PARK (Dongyun Yuki) / egoism (Kasukabe Akira, Yayoi Torigoe) / Highlighters (Uchu Eno) / Tea Bitterness (Hito Chiyoko) / Black Velvet (Shinozuka Ai) / Camellia Tower (Kangetsu) / MADFIGHTERS (Sanchee) / Lost Paradise (Kaoru Kisaragi) / GAUGEMAX (TOHMA) / serenade (Zizhuyou) / croiser (Saiki Imo, Souna Yuichi) / NA Remix (Nari.) / Far East Jersey Army (Takashi Minot) / RADCIAL GOD (Shinjo Susumu) / AGP (Hinoto Takamura) / Ryujindo (Miuma Kanata)
🇯🇵Doujinshi,Oneshot,Yaoi(BL),Comedy,Shounen ai
🇦🇪حلم زهرة النار
Sparkling Dream/fire flower-dream
Dam jeokdan / Null
🇭🇺Double Click
Kim jang-hoon / Park soo-bong / Park soo-bong
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shounen(B),Action,Drama,Full Color,Game
🇫🇷Booty camp
Hanabuteo Yeolkkaji / From One to Ten / One to Ten / Từ A đến Z / Từ một đến mười / 하나부터 열까지
Yoon Park / Wantso
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adult,Mature,Smut,Drama,Full Color,Romance,Slice of Life
🇺🇦Руйнівник: Вічна сила
The Breaker: Eternal Force / 브레이커 : 이터널 포스
🇰🇷Manhwa,Josei(W),Crime,Drama,Magic,Martial Arts,School Life,Super Power
🇻🇳Cuộc sống giản dị của một tiểu thư bị bỏ rơi
버림받고 즐기는 소박한 독신의 삶
Park oat / Ondo
🇺🇦Руйнівник: Вічна сила
Jeon Geuk-jin / Park Jin-Hwan
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Shounen(B),Action,Martial Arts,School Life,Super Power
🇫🇷Juvenile Law
소년법칙 / Laws of the Good Child
Park Tae Jun
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Seinen(M),Shounen(B),Action,Delinquents,Drama,Revenge,School Life
🇫🇷Kept Man
박죠죠 (park jojo) / 레드피치스튜디오
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adult,Mature,Smut,Adaptation,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
🇨🇿The Breaker
Park, Jin-Hwan / Jeon, Geuk-jin
🇰🇷Manhwa,Seinen(M),Shounen(B),Violence,Action,Martial Arts,School Life
🇵🇱Baek XX
Mr. Baek
Park Tae Jun, Byeong Jang, Park Tae Joon Company / Punch Kick
🇰🇷Manhwa,Seinen(M),Mature,Action,Drama,Full Color
🇮🇩The Most Perfect Marriage (MommyMonzterrr)
Pernikahan Paling Sempurna
Park Shin/Chuchong / Somsoda
🇰🇷Manhwa,Josei(W),Drama,Full Color,Romance
🇮🇩For Your Failed Unrequited Love ~ UCHIHA_KIKI~
For the Failure of your Unrequited Love / 네 짝사랑의 실패를 위하여 / | upcoming | uchiha_kiki
Park Haerin / 박해린 / Begoffda / 배곡파
🇹🇷Another Year Together with the Cherry Blossoms
올해의 벚꽃도 함께 / Cherry Blossoms / Another Year Together with the Cherry Blossoms
Park Subong
🇰🇷Seinen(M),Drama,Romance,School Life
Taming Master
Bändigungsmeister / Le Maître Dompteur / The Taming Master / Мастер укрощения / テイミングマスター / 馴獸大師 / 驯兽大师 / 테이밍 마스터
ARC Studio / Park Taesuk / Bing Bing Go
🇮🇩Bad Born Blood [LadyVene]
Sangre maldita / 배드 본 블러드
Baeksu Noble / Pumpkin Bird / D-Park
🇮🇩The Spark in Your Eyes
저무는 해 시린 눈 / The Setting Sun / Stinging Eyes / Blinded by the Setting Sun
🇮🇩A Guide Out to Succeed [Nuki]
성공지향적 가이드
Park boyul / Beep-beep / Lee Sona
🇰🇷Manhwa,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Dungeons,Fantasy,Full Color,Reincarnation,Romance,Supernatural
🇮🇩Form of Sympathy
Bentuk Simpati / The Shape of Sympathy / Une forme de compassion / 同情的形式 / 동정의 형태
Park Nodeok
🇬🇧Manhwa,Yaoi(BL),Age Gap,Drama,Full Color,School Life,Shounen ai
🇮🇩Suicide boy
Anak laki-laki yang ingin bunuh diri / Suicide boy / 자살 소년
Park gee / Park gee/(???)
🇰🇷Manhwa,School Life
Prey / Food / Mangsa / เหยื่อ / 餌 / 먹이
Cyclops / Park Subong
🇮🇩Suicide Boy
Suicide Boy / Bocah Bundir / 자살 소년
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Seinen(M),Adult,Mature,Violence,Boys,Comedy,Full Color,School Life,Slice of Life,Tragedy
🇧🇷Saudações, sorrisos e brilhos
Ohayou to, egao to, kira kira, Greetings, Smiles and Sparkles
🇧🇷O filho do meu primeiro amor
Son of the first love, Сын моей первой любви, My crush’s son, 첫사랑의 아들
Nagle / Park Min Nam
🇮🇹Absolute Regression
Jang Yunghoon/ JP / Park Jin Hwan
🇰🇷Manhwa,Seinen(M),Shounen(B),Violence,Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Martial Arts,Regression,Revenge
Juvenile Offender (Official)
Chokbeop Boy / Delincuente Juvenil / الحدث الجاني / อาชญากรวัยเยาว์ / 觸法少年 / 촉법소년
Man's Story / Park Taejoon / Jeong Jong-Taek / Park Tae-Jun Comic Company
🇮🇩Highschool Boy
Highschool Boy / 남고 소년
Park Gee
🇰🇷Manhwa,Yaoi(BL),Action,Romance,School Life,Shounen ai