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Kami no Fune de Nemuru
Sleeping on Paper Boats / 紙の舟で眠る
Yatsuda Teki
Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You [Official]
A Story About Smoking at the Back of the Supermarket / Behind the Supermarket, Smoking With You / Cerita Tentang Merokok di Belakang Supermarket / Historias que ocurren al fumar en la parte trasera del supermercado / Suupaa no Ura de Yani Suu Hanashi / Super no Ura de Yani Suu Futari / Uma história sobre fumar no fundo de um mercadinho / История о перекуре за супермаркетом / Історія про перекур за супермаркетом / スーパーの裏でヤニ吸うふたり / 在超市后吸烟的故事 / 在超市后门吸烟的二人
🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Age Gap,Comedy,Office Workers,Romance,Slice of Life
Though I May Be a Villainess, I'll Show You I Can Obtain Happiness!
Akuyaku Reijou Desuga, Shiawase ni Natte Misemasu wa! / Antologi Wanita Penjahat / Antología de la dama villana / Aunque pueda ser una villana, ¡te mostraré que puedo obtener la felicidad! / Gonosztevő hölgy antológia / Kumpulan Otome Villains / So What If I'm a Villainess, I'll Show You All I Can Become Happy! / Though I May Be a Villainess, I'll Show You I Can Obtain Happiness! / Tuyển Tập Nữ Phụ Phẚn Diện / Tuyển Tập Oneshot Nữ Phụ / Tuyển Tập Oneshot Nữ Phụ Phản Diện / Villain Lady's Anthology / Villainess Anthology / Villainess Week / Даже злодейка может найти настоящую любовъ / Сборник «леди-злодеек» / Сборник историй о злодейках / Сборник синглов про злодеек / Хоть я и злодейка, но я вам ещё покажу, что смогу обрести счастье! / خب چی میشه که یک زن شرور باشم، بهت نشون میدم که میتونم خوشبخت باشم. / فکر کردی من یک زن شرورم، بهت نشون میدم که میتونم خوشبخت بشم. / แม้ว่าฉันจะเป็นนางร้ายฉันก็จะแสดงให้ดูว่าฉันก็มีความสุขได้ / แม้ว่าฉันจะเป็นนางร้ายฉันก็จะแสดงให้ดูว่าฉันก็มีความสุขได้ ตอนที่ ตอนที่ / 恶役千金也会得到幸福 / 悪役令嬢ですが、幸せになってみせますわ! / 悪役令嬢ですが、幸せになってみせますわ! アンソロジーコミック / 悪役令嬢ですが、幸せになってみせますわ!アンソロジーコミック / 惡役千金也會得到幸福 / 악역 영애지만, 행복해질 거예요! / 악역 영애지만, 행복해질 거예요! 앤솔로지 코믹스
AIKAWA Yuu / Anthology / bouro / CHIAKI Rie / Ehito / ENJU Subaru / Funineko / Hazuki (葉月) / Hizuki (希月) / KAGARI Touya / KANADE Yumika / KAWANO Akiko / KAZUKATA Jin / KIRAKU Naohito / KOYAMA Nayu / Kozuki / Kyouka (杏花) / Maa (まぁ) / Mafuyubi / Maro (まろ) / MICHIYUKI Aoi / Mikoto (II) / MIZUNO Saaya / NEKOMATA Doremi / REIGA Utsuho / SAKAKI Dora / Sazanami / SEKIMIYA Amon / Tetsuhako / Yoruru / Yoshimura / YUKI Yukiko / YUUKI Satoru / Chuugyaku / HOSHINO Soumei / KIDA Yonoichi / KOYUKI Iroha / KUROE Yui / MAARAA Natsu / Mimasaka / MOCHIDA Moo / MUGICHA Poyoko / NAKAKURA Chikage / Nanso / OHITSUJI Ei / Potagi / SHIROHITO Rita / SORAKURA Shikiji / TACHIBANA Edaka / USUI Tsukasa / Wamome / YAMASHIRO Umeta / YATSUHASHI Hachi / YUMOTO Miko / YUZUKI Ei
Fun Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord
Easygoing Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord: Production Magic Turns a Nameless Village into the Strongest Fortified City / Okiraku Ryoushu no Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei / お気楽領主の楽しい領地防衛 / Fun Territory Defense Of The Easy-going Lord ~the Nameless Village Is Made Into The Strongest Fortified City By Production Magic~
Mitsuru Inoue / Maro Aoiro
Gyaru Otoko-kun! Hentai Onii-san to Ecchi ni Asobou
Gal-guy! Come Have Some Pervy Fun With This Dirty Young Man / ギャル男くん!変態お兄さんとエッチに遊ぼう
🇯🇵Ecchi na Kakkou de Koufun suru ne?
Does This Outfit Turn You On? -My Doting Boyfriend's Wild Obsession- / エッチな格好で興奮するね?~溺愛カレシのヤバい性癖~
Hari no Katana to Goki no Fune
針のかたなと御器のふね / Needle Sword and Rice Bowl Boat
hinode heim
Historical,Shounen ai
Touhou - Indigo. (Doujinshi)
Touhou dj - Indigo. / Touhou dj - My Udonge Can Do It When She Tries!! / Touhou Project FUN BOOKS Indigo.
drill chichikuri (circle) / warugaki
🇪🇸Kanaria-tachi no Fune
カナリアたちの舟 / Kanaryaların Gemisi / The Boat of the Canaries
takamatsu misaki
Fun Fun Koubou
ファンファン工房 / Fun Fun Factory / Funfun Factory / funfun工房
watanabe yoshitomo
かたじけない / Borçlu / Indebted / Kurofune 1853
koike keiichi
Naturally Crossdressing Boy
Nachuraru Josou Danshi / ナチュラル女装男子
Gender Bender,School Life,Slice of Life
🇫🇷C'est si bon d'être méchante !
Villainesses Have More Fun / Another Happy Day for the Villainess / The Villainess Is Happy Today / Today the Villainess Has Fun Again
Niniyang / SWE / stew.J
Warui Ko no Tame no Wasuremono Techou
Fundbüro der Liebe / Love and Removed Thing Left Behind / The Bad Boy's Notebook of Forgotten Things / 悪い子のためのわすれもの手帖
kinuta nana
Comedy,Drama,Shounen ai,Slice of Life
🇯🇵Akuyaku Reijou Desuga, Shiawase ni Natte Misemasu wa! Anthology Comic
悪役令嬢ですが、幸せになってみせますわ! アンソロジーコミック
AIKAWA Yuu / Anthology / ARISAWA Mihiru / AYATO Yume / bouro / CHIAKI Rie / Ehito / ENJU Subaru / FUJI Tomato / Funineko / Hazuki / Hizuki / KAGARI Touya / KANADE Yumika / KAWANO Akiko / KAZUKATA Jin / KIRAKU Naohito / Kotoko / KOYAMA Nayu / Kozuki / Kyouka / Maa / Mafuyubi / Maro / mayan / Mayuran / MICHIYUKI Aoi / Mikoto. / Mitsuki Beni / MIZUNO Saaya / NEKOMATA Doremi / NOWAKI Nakasane / Odayaka / REIGA Utsuho / Rittan / SAKAKI Dora / sasasa / Sazanami / SEKIMIYA Amon / TAKATOO Subaru / Tetsuhako / Yoruru / Yoshimura / YUKI Yukiko / YUUKI Satoru
エロとろ / Boku ha Anata ni Koi wo Suru / Creamy Sport Anthology / Erotic Toro / エロとろR18 『エロとろ極上体位絵巻』 / エロとろR18 ver.SS / エロとろR18~初恋~ / Erotoro R18
aniya yuiji anthology ichikawa kei isono funa jaryuu dokuro kashio mineshima nawako nimoda ai sankakusya pie yamane musashi yamaomi yuki ringo
Erotoro R18
Afureru Nureru / Boku wa Ninkimono / Erotoro R18 / Tonari ni Sunderu Neko no Koto / エロとろR18 ver.SS / エロとろR18 『エロとろ極上体位絵巻』 / エロとろR18~初恋~ / 隣に住んでる猫のこと
Aniya Yuiji / Coconoe Ricoco / Emao / Harada / Ichikawa Kei / Inutoki / Isono Funa / Jaryuu Dokuro / Kashio / Kimura Hidesato / Mineshima Nawako / Natori Isato / Nimoda Ai / Okada Kou / Psyche Delico / Purugaria / Sakamoto Aki / Sankakusha Pie / Sato Nishiki / Yamamoto Ataru / Yamane Musashi / Yamawomi / Yashiki Eigo / Yashiko / Yuki Ringo / Shouhei
Kanaria-tachi no Fune
カナリアたちの舟 / Kanaryaların Gemisi / The Boat of the Canaries
takamatsu misaki
Canaria-tachi no Fune
カナリアたちの舟 / Kanaria-tachi no Fune / The Boat of the Canaries
takamatsu misaki
Naki Shoujo no Tame no Pavane
为了逝去的少女而演奏的孔雀舞曲 / 亡き少女の為のパヴァーヌ / 悼念少女的帕凡舞曲 / 逝去的少女而演奏的孔雀舞曲 / 逝女 / Naki Shoujo no Tame no Pavaanu / Pavane for a Dead Girl / Pavane Pour Une Fille Défunte
koge donbo
Yome to Asobou
Fun with Wife
Kurokoshi You
Fun Territory Defense by the Optimistic Lord
Okiraku Ryoushu no Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei / お気楽領主の楽しい領地防衛
Mitsuru Inoue / Maro Aoiro
funfun Koubou
ファンファン工房 / ファンファンファクトリー / Fun Fun Factory / Fun Fun Koubou / Funfun Factory / funfun工房
watanabe yoshitomo
Naki Shoujo no Tame no Pavane
亡き少女の為のパヴァーヌ / Naki Shoujo no Tame no Pavaanu / Pavane for a Dead Girl / pavane pour une Fille Défunte / 悼念少女的孔雀舞曲(Chinese)
koge donbo
Magical Explorer - Eroge no Yuujin Kyara ni Tensei Shita Kedo, Game Chishiki Tsukatte Jiyuu ni Ikiru (Official)
Magical Explorer / Magical Explorer: Reborn as a Side Character in a Fantasy Dating Sim / Magical★Explorer - Eroge no Yuujin Kyara ni Tensei Shitakedo, Game Chishiki Tsukatte Jiyuu ni Ikiru / Magical★Explorer: Eroge no Yuujin Kyara ni Tensei Shitakedo, Game Chishiki Tsukatte Jiyuu ni Ikiru / Magical★Explorer: It Seems I Have Become a Friend of the Protagonist in an Eroge World, but Because Magic Is Fun I Have Abandoned the Role and Train Myself / Magical★Explorer: Reincarnated as an Eroge Hero's Friend, I'll Live Freely With My Eroge / マジカル★エクスプローラー エロゲの友人キャラに転生 したけど、ゲーム知識使って自由に生きる / 转生成黄油基友角色,用游戏知识自由生活
Iris / Yukari Higa / Noboru Kannatuki
Osomatsu-san dj - Waraenai Hanashi
わらえない話 / Osomatsu-san dj - An Unfunny Story
mitsuboshi (yuki)
Doujinshi,Drama,Shounen ai
🇮🇹Naturally Crossdressing Boy
A Boy Who Naturally Dresses as a Girl at Home / Nachuraru Josou Danshi / ナチュラル女装男子 / 自宅でナチュラルに女装する男子
🇯🇵Crossdressing,School Life,Slice of Life
Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Hengoku ni Nore
進撃の巨人 dj - 辺獄に乗れ / Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Ride the Limbo
funny fanny (pechiko)
Hari no Katana to Goki no Fune
針のかたなと御器のふね / Needle Sword and Rice Bowl Boat
hinode heim
Historical,Shounen ai
Touhou - Yuka Kazami's Sunflower Field (Doujinshi)
風見幽香の向日葵畑 / Touhou dj - Drink till Drunk in the Scent of the Party / Touhou dj - Flower Master / Touhou dj - Flowers and Humans and Youkai and… / Touhou dj - Kazami Yuuka's Sunflower Field / Touhou dj - Kazami Yuuka’s Sunflower Field Anthology / Touhou dj - Yuka Kazami’s Sunflower Field
bococho farm (circle) / carcharias (circle) / kahlua milk (circle) / imogawa haruko / kemonomichi (circle) / letra (circle) / toriniku seikatsu (circle) / hammock (circle) / tohonifun (circle) / asatsuki dou (circle) / bococho / chado / cercis / toto nemigi / chihiro / takitarou / emu/nyagakiya / imogawa haruka / mock / ugatsu matsuki
Goshoku no Fune
五色の舟 / Five-color Boat / Goshiki no Fune
tsuhara yasumi / kondou youko
Seinen(M),Slice of Life,Supernatural
Naki Shoujo no Tame no Pavane
为了逝去的少女而演奏的孔雀舞曲 / 亡き少女の為のパヴァーヌ / 逝去的少女而演奏的孔雀舞曲 / 逝女 / Naki Shoujo no Tame no Pavaanu / Pavane for a Dead Girl / Pavane Pour Une Fille Défunte / 悼念少女的帕凡舞曲
koge donbo
🇧🇷Bocchi Jieikan no Isekai Funsenki
Different World Adventures Of A Lone Japan Ground Self Defense Force Ensign
Heesokai / Takamasu Nawoki