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🇮🇩Okusama ga Seito Kaichou!
おくさまが生徒会長!/ Oku-sama ga Seito Kaichou! / My Wife is the Student Council President! / Istriku adalah Ketua OSIS!
Nakata Yumi
🇯🇵Manga,Ecchi,Mature,Comedy,Harem,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
🇮🇩It Was Just A Contact Marriage ✦SHEYRA✦ ╰▸ PROMO
계약 결혼일 뿐이었다 / ini hanya pernikahan kontrak
Dalseul / 8garak
🇰🇷Manhwa,Oneshot,Shoujo(G),Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Romance,Royal family
🇮🇩Kisah Yuri Kami Berawal Dari Diriku yang Ditolak di Dalam Mimpi
Our Yuri Started with Me Getting Rejected in a Dream, Yume de Furarete Hajimaru Yuri, Yuri That Starts With Getting Rejected In a Dream, 夢でフラれてはじまる百合
🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Childhood Friends,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Shoujo ai,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Pangeran adalah kapak otak~
王爷是只大脑斧 / My Giant “Kitten” Man / His Highness Is A Tiger
极光动漫 / 阿柯文化 / Ake
🇮🇩Aku bukan pahlawan
Accidental Warrior/I Am Not a Warrior! / I'm Not a Warrior! / I'm Not the Hero / 私は勇者ではないんです! / 魔女无法悠闲生活 / 저는 용사님이 아닌데요!
Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Isekai,Magic,Slice of Life
🇪🇸I Am a Hero
Ako ay isang Bayani / Aku Adalah Seorang Pahlawan / アイアムアヒーロー / Ben Bir Kahramanım / Eu Sou Um Herói / 请叫我英雄 / Soy un Héroe / Tôi là anh hùng / من قهرمانم / Я — герой / אני גיבור / أنا بطل
hanazawa kengo
Scoundrel - Scandalous Honey
悪党 / 悪党 Scandalous Honey かぽりんの誘惑キッス2 / Akutou - Scandalous Honey - Kaporin no Yuuwaku Kissu 2 / Bad Guy / Scoundrel - Scandalous Honey - Kaporin's Temptat
miyasaka kaho
🇮🇩Wali tirani itu adalah seorang penyihir jahat
폭군의 보호자는 악역 마녀입니다 / The Tyrant’s Guardian is an Evil Witch
Blue Lagoon, Hari / Rata
🇮🇩My Boss Is A Goddess?
My Boss is a Goddess?, Bossku Adalah Dewi?
Ah Tai
🏳️🌈Manhua,Yaoi(BL),Comedy,Crossdressing,Drama,Full Color,Shounen ai
🇧🇷Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de.
I sold my life for ten thousand yen per year. / Ich habe mein Leben für 10.000 Yen pro Jahr verkauft / Il prezzo di una vita / Jumyou o Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de. / Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. / Le Prix du reste de ma vie / Mikkakan no Koufuku / Sprzedałem swoje życie za 10 000 jenów rocznie / Three Days of Happiness / Я распродал свою жизнь по 10000 иен за год / من طول عمرم رو در ازای ۱۰ هزار ین برای هر سال فروختم. / 以一年一萬圓的價格,賣掉我剩餘的壽命 / 寿命を買い取ってもらった。一年につき、一万円で。 / 我用一年一万日元卖掉寿命 / 수명을 팔았다. 1년당, 1만엔에
Miaki Sugaru / TAGUCHI Shouichi
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Drama,Psychological,Romance,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Joseon Fox Scandal
Moon Jongho / Jeonghoo
🇨🇿Villains Are Destined to Die
Chết là cái kết thúc cho nhân vật phản diện / Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain / Death Is the Only Ending for the Villainess / Kematian adalah Akhir Sang Antagonis / Kết thúc của nhân vật phản diện là cái chết / Villains are Destined to Die / 恶役只有死亡结局 / 악역의 엔딩은 죽음뿐
Gwon gyeoeul / Suol
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Game,Isekai,Reincarnation,Reverse Harem,Romance,Royal family,Royalty,Villainess
The Heros Savior
Destined to Be the Savior of the Protagonist/ Hidupku Tentram dengan Pai / I'm Destined to Be the Savior of the Male Lead / It's My Destiny to Be the Hero's Savior/Takdirku Adalah Menjadi Penyelamat Tokoh Utama/ Vi cùu tinh cua nhan vot chinh /. Гол дүрийн аврагч болох нь миний хувь тавилан / Моя доля стати рятівницею головного героя / EADERSE 命です!力主角的定量/ 中国 될 운명입니다
Dodam(WHYNOTME) / Eunsoro/Team Happy gery(Art)
🇰🇷Manhua,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Magic,Romance,Transmigration
🇮🇩Tuan duke, itu adalah kesalahan! [HiYami]
Grand Duke, it was a mistake! / 대공님, 실수였어요!
Sisse, Lee Jeongeun / Joypyonn
🇮🇩My Wife Is From Thousand Years Ago
istri saya adalah dari seribu tahun yang lalu
🇨🇳Manhua,Shounen(B),Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Romance,School Life,Time Travel
🇮🇩Hang Ah, the Moon's Child
Dal'eui Ai, Hang'a / Hang Ah, Si Anak Bulan / 달의 아이, 항아
Jiya (eunyu39)
🇮🇩Mystic prince
Prince of myolyeong
아흐레달 aheuredal
🇰🇷Manhwa,Josei(W),Action,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Romance,Royal family,Super Power
🇫🇷La Méchante est une marionnette
The Villainess Is a Marionette / A vilã é uma marionete / Ác Nữ Là Con Rối / Agnyeoneun Malioneteu / Aku Bukan Boneka / Boneka Marionette / Kẻ Phản diện chỉ là Một Con Rối / L'antagoniste est une marionnette / La villana es una marioneta / Penjahat Wanita Adalah Boneka
hanirim / Jin / manggle
Sora no Shita Yane no Naka
空の下屋根の中 / สาวนีทมือใหม่ / Dalam Atap di Bawah Langit / Inside Our Roof Beneath the Sky / Sora no Shitayane no Naka
futami sui
Seinen(M),Comedy,Slice of Life
🇮🇩🔞 Soko Ni Utsuru Kao Ha
Soko Ni Utsuru Kao Ha / Wajah Yang Terekam Di Sana Adalah...
🇯🇵Doujinshi,Seinen(M),Adult,Hentai,Mature,Cheating/Infidelity,Drama,Netorare/NTR,Slice of Life
You, The One Sitting Next To Me, Are The Cutest.
Kamu yang duduk di sebelahku adalah yang paling imut / Tonari no Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii / 隣の君が一番かわいい / The You Next to Me is the Cutest One of All
🇯🇵Manga,Comedy,Crossdressing,Romance,School Life
🇮🇩Kamu yang duduk di sebelahku adalah yang paling imut
Tonari no Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii / You, the One Sitting Next to Me, Are the Cutest. / 隣の君が一番かわいい / The You Next to Me is the Cutest One of All
🇯🇵Manga,Comedy,Crossdressing,Romance,School Life
Scoundrel - Scandalous Honey
Akutou - Scandalous Honey - Kaporin no Yuuwaku Kissu 2 / Bad Guy / Scoundrel - Scandalous Honey - Kaporin's Temptation Kiss 2 / Scoundrel Scandalous Honey / 悪党 / 悪党 Scandalous Honey かぽりんの誘惑キッス2
miyasaka kaho
My Master Is a Deity
Guruku Adalah Seorang Dewa / Meu Mestre É um Imortal / Mi Maestro Es Un Inmortal / My Master Is A God / My Master is An Immortal / Sư Phụ Của Tôi Là Thần Tiên / 我的师傅是神仙 / 負け犬の俺が無敵神仙になるまで
Second Week Comics / ErZhouMu
🇮🇹History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
史上最強の弟子ケンイチ / 史上最強弟子兼一 / ลูกแกะพันธุ์เสือเคนอิจิ / Histories Strongest Disciple Kenichi / History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi / HSD Kenichi / HSDK / Kenichi le disciple ultime / Kenichi sang Murid Terhebat dalam Sejarah / Shijo Saikyo no Deshi Kenichi / Strongest Disciple Kenichi / Tarihin En Güçlü Öğrencisi Keniçi / Сильнейший в истории ученик Кенъити
matsuena syun
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Martial Arts,Romance,Supernatural,Tragedy
🇮🇩Crown Prince of Myolyeong
묘령의 황자 / Crown Prince of the Clever Spirit / Crown Prince of the Mystic / Mystic Prince / The Prince of Myolyeong
🇮🇩Suami ku sangat kiyowo
내 남편이 너무 귀여워서 곤란하다 / I'm In Trouble Because My Husband Is So Cute / Aku dalam masalah karena Suami ku sangat Imut
Rana / Choo Hye Yeon
🇰🇷Cartoon,Comic,Manhwa,Webtoon,Fantasy,Historical,Romance,Royal family
Scoundrel - Scandalous Honey
悪党 / 悪党 Scandalous Honey かぽりんの誘惑キッス2 / Akutou - Scandalous Honey - Kaporin no Yuuwaku Kissu 2 / Bad Guy / Scoundrel Scandalous Honey
miyasaka kaho
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life
Me, Secret Agent, Reincarnated in an Otome Game
乙女ゲームで生まれ変わった秘密エージェントの私 / 我,秘密特工,在乙女游戏中转世 / Aku, Agen Rahasia, Bereinkarnasi dalam Otome game
Dreamy moon
🇬🇧Comic,Manga,Manhua,Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adventure,Fantasy,Full Color,Game,Isekai,Magic,Reincarnation,Reverse Harem,Romance,Video Games
🇮🇩Putri Ku Genius dalam Musik [akulelah]
🇰🇷Seinen(M),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Pembunuhku adalah Suamiku [SIRENANA]
SLOW UPDATE/예쁜 애 옆에 예쁜 애/Pretty Girls Next to a Pretty Girls/Gadis cantik di sebelah gadis cantik
은솔림, RUDA
🇮🇩My Daughter is a Dragon!
My Daughter is a Dragon!/ Anakku adalah Naga
🇮🇩Aku adalah Bayi Naga!!!
베이비 드래곤 / Baby Dragon
캣낫독 / 소홍