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I Won't Become a Villainess. I'm Just a "Normal" Duke's Daughter!

I Won't Become a Villainess. I'm Just a "Normal" Duke's Daughter!

Akuyaku Reijou ni nanka narimasen. Watashi wa "Futsu" no koushaku reijou desu! / 悪役令嬢になんかなりません. 私は「普通 」の公爵令嬢です!
Mei. / Yuhazu
Chapter 5


奏 梦中情人 / 奏〜かなで〜 / 奏~かなで~ / 카나데 / Kanade (SEGAMI Akira)
segami akira
Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Volume 4 Chapter 15
Bokutachi, Ai Nanka Shiranai

Bokutachi, Ai Nanka Shiranai

koiwazurai shibito
Chapter 1
Futsutsuka na Oyako de wa Arimasu ga

🇪🇸Futsutsuka na Oyako de wa Arimasu ga

ふつつかな父娘ではありますが / 不完全父女关系 / Not Entirely a Father-Daughter Relationship
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Infinite Stratos - uwala~n! BOKU wo OITE IKANAI de~ (Doujinshi)

Infinite Stratos - uwala~n! BOKU wo OITE IKANAI de~ (Doujinshi)

うわぁ~ん! 僕を置いて行かないで~ / Infinite Stratos dj - Nooo! Please Don't Leave Me! / Infinite Stratos dj - Uwaa~n! Boku wo Oite Ikanai de~ / IS dj - Nooo! Please Don't Leave Me!
air x gravity (circle) / bibi
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki ja Nai n da kara ne!!

🇪🇸Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki ja Nai n da kara ne!!

お兄ちゃんのことなんかぜんぜん好きじゃないんだからっ!! / Big Brother, I Don't Like You at All!! / 腹黑妹妹控兄记 / Kuya, Hindi talaga kita gusto!! / Onii-chan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki ja Nain da Kara ne!!
kusano kouichi
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,Drama,Harem,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Chapter 84
From Booty Call to Girlfriend ~ The reason for sex friend became lover

From Booty Call to Girlfriend ~ The reason for sex friend became lover

From Booty Call to Girlfriend ~ The reason for sex friend became lover // セフレから彼女になったワケ
vol.3 ch.3 END
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya dj - Dareka Boku no Shiranai Hito

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya dj - Dareka Boku no Shiranai Hito

だれか僕の知らない人 / The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya dj - Someone whom I don' / t know
uriuri (hirosegun)
Chapter 1
Jigoku no Gouka de Yakare Tsuzuketa Shounen. Saikyou no Honootsukai to Natte Fukkatsu suru

🇧🇷Jigoku no Gouka de Yakare Tsuzuketa Shounen. Saikyou no Honootsukai to Natte Fukkatsu suru

地獄の業火で焼かれ続けた少年。最強の炎使いとなって復活する。 / The Boy Who Had Been Continuously Burned by the Fires of Hell. Revived, he becomes the strongest flame user. / A Boy Who Has Been Burned by the Fire of Hell - Reinstated as the Strongest Flame Messenger / Jigoku no Gouka de Yaka re Tsuzuketa Shounen. Saikyou no Honou Tsukai to Natte Fukkatsu Suru.
Satou / Miyagi, Morinari
Chapter 36
Haikyu!! dj - Kokokara Dokonimo Ikenai

Haikyu!! dj - Kokokara Dokonimo Ikenai

ハイキュー dj -ここからどこにもいけない / Haikyu!! dj - I Won' / t Be Able to Go Anywhere Else
shishou (gusari)
Doujinshi,Romance,Shounen ai
Chapter 1
Yawaraka na Yoru

Yawaraka na Yoru

やわらかな夜 / Tender Night
hirao auri
Drama,Shoujo ai
Chapter 0
Kanaete! Masayume Koubou

Kanaete! Masayume Koubou

かなえて!正夢工房 / かなえて!正夢工房 / かなえて正夢工房
ooima kanato
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 4
May I Fall in Love?

May I Fall in Love?

Suki ni Nattemo, Ii desu ka? / 好きになっても、いいですか?
Usagi / TAKAHASHI Yuki
Chapter 45 [END]
Watashi Sekai o Kousei suru Chiri no You na Nani ka.

Watashi Sekai o Kousei suru Chiri no You na Nani ka.

私の世界を構成する塵のような何か。 / The Feelings We All Must Endure / Watashi Sekai o Kousei suru Chiri no You na Nani ka / Watashi Sekai wo Kousei suru Chiri no You na
amano shuninta
Yuri(GL),Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 7
Boku no Negai ga Kanau nara

Boku no Negai ga Kanau nara

僕の願いがかなうなら / If My Wish Were to Come True
mamura mio
Chapter 0
Washizu-sama to Yukai na Nakama-tachi

Washizu-sama to Yukai na Nakama-tachi

Clamp x Washizu / 鷲巣様とゆかいな仲間たち / Washizu-sama and His Happy Companions
Chapter 0
Ms. Hard-To-Get VS Mr. Hug-Them-All

Ms. Hard-To-Get VS Mr. Hug-Them-All

Kanna Machi
🇯🇵Josei(W),Full Color,Romance
Chapter 9
Kaname Étoile

Kaname Étoile

かなめエトワール / Kaname Etoile / Kaname Star
Chapter 3
Ikemen Sengoku - Tenkabito no Onna ni Naru Ki wa Nai ka

🇮🇹Ikemen Sengoku - Tenkabito no Onna ni Naru Ki wa Nai ka

Ikemen Sengoku - Tenkajin no Onna ni Naru Ki wa Nai ka / イケメン戦国~天下人の女になる気はないか~
Cybird / KAJIYAMA Mika
Umareru Kachi no Nakatta Jibun ga Anna no Tame ni Dekiru Ikutsuka no Koto

Umareru Kachi no Nakatta Jibun ga Anna no Tame ni Dekiru Ikutsuka no Koto

不为世人认可的我,仅能为杏奈所做的一点 / 生まれる価値のなかった自分がアンナのためにできるいくつかのこと
nagase yousuke
Seinen(M),Mature,Drama,Mystery,Psychological,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 20
Himeyaka na Delta

Himeyaka na Delta

三角秘恋 / 秘めやかなデルタ / Secret Delta / Segi Tiga Rahasia
ohya kazumi
Chapter 2
Onna no Ko ga H-na  Egaicha Dame Desuka?

Onna no Ko ga H-na Egaicha Dame Desuka?

女のコがHなマンガ描いちゃダメですか? / Darf ein Mädchen kein Sexy Manga zeichnen? / Is It Wrong For A Girl To Draw H-Manga? / Onna no Ko ga H na Manga Egaicha Dame desu ka? / Onnanoko ga H na Manga Egaicha Dame desu ka?
james hotate
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Volume 2 Chapter 12
The Little Devil's Childhood Friend was Eaten Up. In Bed

The Little Devil's Childhood Friend was Eaten Up. In Bed

Koakuma na Osanajimi ni, Itadakaremashita Beddo no Ue de / 小悪魔な幼なじみに、いただかれました。※ベッドの上で
🇯🇵Josei(W),Smut,Romance,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Yogoreteru Hima Nanka Nai

Yogoreteru Hima Nanka Nai

汚れてる暇なんかない / 没有空错爱 / No Free Time to Get Dirty
ishida takumi
Chapter 16
Kimi no Iru Sekai Shikairanai

Kimi no Iru Sekai Shikairanai

只想要有你在的世界 / 君のいる世界しかいらない / 我的世界只要你 / I Only Need a World Where You Are / Kimi no Iru Sekkai Shikkarenai
hanamura ichika
Chapter 6
Onna no Ko ga H-na  Egaicha Dame Desuka?

🇪🇸Onna no Ko ga H-na Egaicha Dame Desuka?

女のコがHなマンガ描いちゃダメですか? / Darf ein Mädchen kein Sexy Manga zeichnen? / Is It Wrong For A Girl To Draw H-Manga? / Onna no Ko ga H na Manga Egaicha Dame desu ka? / Onnanoko ga H na Manga Egaicha Dame desu ka?
james hotate
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 4
Guilty: The Silent Firefly Gets Burned

Guilty: The Silent Firefly Gets Burned

Guilty - Nakanu Hotaru ga Mi o Kogasu / ギルティ ~鳴かぬ蛍が身を焦がす~ / ぎるてぃなかぬほたるがみをこがす / Guilty: Kono Koi wa Tsumi Desuka / ギルティ~この恋は罪ですか?~ / Guilty
Ai Okaue
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Mature,Cheating/Infidelity,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Kantai Collection -KanColle- Dai Roku Kuchiku Tai ha Zutto Nakayoshi (Doujinshi)

🇮🇩Kantai Collection -KanColle- Dai Roku Kuchiku Tai ha Zutto Nakayoshi (Doujinshi)

第六駆逐隊はずっとなかよし / Kantai Collection -KanColle- dj - Dai Roku Kuchiku Tai ha Zutto Nakayoshi / Kantai Collection -KanColle- dj - The Sixth Destroyer Fleet Will Be Best Friends Forever
grinp (circle) / neko toufu
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Seimei desu ga nani ka?

Seimei desu ga nani ka?

清明ですがなにか? / I'm Seimei. What of it?
sarachi yomi
Chapter 1
Shoujo Manga Nanka Daikirai

Shoujo Manga Nanka Daikirai

少女マンガなんか大嫌い / I Hate Romance Comics!
Tobina Touya
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
ch.6 [END]
We Don't Know How To Make Love

We Don't Know How To Make Love

私たちはセックスの仕方がわからない / We Don't Know How To Make Love
Namiko Nanba / mmr
Chapter 2
Gal and Otaku can't understand each other

Gal and Otaku can't understand each other

ギャルとオタクはわかりあえない。 / Gyaru to Otaku wa Wakari Aenai.
kawai rou
Comedy,Romance,School Life,Shoujo ai,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 6
Kimi Shika Iranai

Kimi Shika Iranai

君しかいらない / I don't need anyone but you / I need only you / With you only
yoshizumi wataru
Chapter 11


なかぐらし / 背后生活 / Senaka Gurashi / Senaka Life
kazama ayami
Seinen(M),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 21
I’m the Demon Queen, but for Some Reason the Hero Is Doting on Me

I’m the Demon Queen, but for Some Reason the Hero Is Doting on Me

Watashi, Maou. Naze ka Yuusha ni Dekiaisarete imasu / 私、魔王。―なぜか勇者に溺愛されています。
Puni-chan / Yanagiya Maro / Yuzuki Kihiro
Chapter 8
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai - Starting Today, Siblings Can Get Married

🇧🇷Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai - Starting Today, Siblings Can Get Married

OVERALL (Circle), Yu-ji
Chapter 1